End of life (Belgium) > Euthanasia and assisted suicide

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Belgium Euthanasia, 20 years later

Author / Source : L. Vanbellingen Published on : Thematic : End of life / Euthanasia and assisted suicide Files Temps de lecture : 11 min.

Euthanasia, 20 years later

On 28 May 2002, Belgium became the second country to decriminalise euthanasia, i.e. the act of "intentionally ending a person's life at the latter's request" because of his state of health. After twenty years of applying the Belgian law on euthanasia, and given the current critical debates on the subject, it is essential to take stock of the practice of euthanasia in Belgium and draw some perspectives on its recent and future developments.

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Belgium Euthanasia of minors in Belgium

Author / Source : Jean-Paul Van De Walle Published on : Thematic : End of life / Euthanasia and assisted suicide Files Temps de lecture : 13 min.

On 28 February 2014 a law was enacted "amending the Act of 28 May 2002 on euthanasia in order to extend it to minors"1. Belgium thus became the first and only country to authorise euthanasia of minors without specifying that any conditions with respect to their age should be met. Some people welcomed it, underlining the "pioneering" role Belgium played in establishing a legal framework for euthanasia, which was presented as the ultimate "humanitarian act" of which any patient, major or...

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Belgium Euthanasia in Belgium : 10 years on

Author / Source : EIB Published on : Thematic : End of life / Euthanasia and assisted suicide Files Temps de lecture : 22 min.

Euthanasia in Belgium : 10 years on

May 28, 2012 marks the 10th anniversary of the legalisation of euthanasia in Belgium,  with the Netherlands following suit a year earlier and Luxembourg doing the same in 2009 6. To date, these three Benelux countries are the only ones to have legalised the act of intentionally killing a person who makes such a request. At a time when legalisation of euthanasia is being debated in several European countries, notably in France, it would appear appropriate to take stock of the last 10 years of ...

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