Early life > Assisted reproduction
Artificial reproduction: study reveals increased risk of congenital heart defects in children
Author / Source : EIB Published on : Thematic : Early life / Assisted reproduction News Temps de lecture : 1 min.

The study was based on data from artificial procreation registries in four Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) between 1984 and 2015. It covered all live-born children, over 7.7 million in total. Of these, 171,735 were born using artificial reproduction. The study shows that heart defects were around 36% more frequent in these babies than in those conceived naturally (absolute risk 1.84% vs. 1.15%). This risk is similar whatever the type of assisted reproduction (in vitro...
Cryopreservation of embryos: Study highlights ethical issues involved in their preservation and inevitable destruction
Author / Source : EIB Published on : Thematic : Early life / Assisted reproduction News Temps de lecture : 2 min.

According to a study published last June, the number of human embryos cryopreserved following artificial reproduction has reached a record level in the UK. Published in The New Bioethics, the study analysed data provided by the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) between 1991 and 2019. The figures show that at least 130,000 stored embryos have been destroyed in the UK since 1991. This situation, already problematic in itself, is particularly so in the UK, where legislation...
Assisted reproduction: a study reveals a psychological impact on children born from gamete donation
Author / Source : IEB Published on : Thematic : Early life / Assisted reproduction News Temps de lecture : 1 min.

The study that led to this conclusion was based on a systematic analysis of 50 studies including 4,666 participants conceived using gamete donation and living in English-speaking countries. For the first time, this study looked at the long-term psychological impact of this method of conception by comparing the results with children conceived without the use of gamete donation. In particular, it identified attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), problems of dependency, mental illness...
Delaying or eliminating menopause thanks to cryopreservation of ovarian tissue?
Author / Source : IEB Published on : Thematic : Early life / Assisted reproduction News Temps de lecture : 2 min.

In the early days of 2024, the prestigious scientific journal American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology published the results of a study to determine the feasibility of cryopreserving ovarian tissue in order to delay menopause. "For the first time in the history of medicine, we have the ability to potentially delay or eliminate menopause", said Dr Kutluk Oktay, author of the study and Director of the Laboratory of Molecular Reproduction and Fertility Preservation at the Yale School of...
A study highlights the link between artificial procreation and risk of placenta accreta
Author / Source : IEB Published on : Thematic : Early life / Assisted reproduction News Temps de lecture : 1 min.

Published on 29 March 2024 in the journal Nature, the study examines the risk factors associated with placenta accreta* after vaginal delivery. Until now, this complication of pregnancy has been seen, in the majority of cases, in women who have had another complication of pregnancy, placenta previa. However, the study showed that more than half the cases of placenta accreta occurred in women with no previous history of placenta previa or caesarean section. But these women had had recourse to...
PMA: René Frydman criticises the absolutism of the desire for a child
Author / Source : IEB Published on : Thematic : Early life / Assisted reproduction News Temps de lecture : 1 min.

At a time when fertility is controlled, delayed if necessary or brandished as a right when the desire for a child arises, René Frydman's thoughts on the new tyranny of reproduction are relevant, but also questionable. Can we use techniques that make totally artificial procreation possible without falling into the abuses he fears, such as surrogate motherhood, the dream of an artificial womb or womb transplants for transgender men? What's more, while he warns against a diversion of medicine by ...