Biomedical research

Animal-human Chimeras : State of Play and Bioethical Questions

Author / Source : European Institute of Bioethics Published on : Thematic : Biomedical research Files Temps de lecture : 25 min.

Animal-human Chimeras :  State of Play and Bioethical Questions

The recent development of experiments with chimeras (i.e. an individual carrying cells with different DNA) could stir our imagination by the spectre of fabulous and frightening creatures. Above all, it raises fundamental ethical questions. Although this research is still in its infancy and is currently limited to fairly isolated experiments, it arouses the interest of the international scientific community and challenging legislators. In February 2018, at the congress of the American As...

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Embryo research: european overview

Author / Source : Laura Gotti Tedeschi Published on : Thematic : Biomedical research Files Temps de lecture : 10 min.

This dossier aims to give an overview of the European embryo research framework. Stem cell research is one of the most promising areas of biotechnology, offering science the prospect of understanding cell differentiation and growth, of developing new methodologies to repair or replace damaged tissues or cells of the human body, and of understanding diseases development. One of the possible sources for stem cells are human pre-implantation embryos. Pre-implantation embryos are embryos prior to...

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