All news (Spain)
“To be or not to be”: actors with Down's Syndrome give a performance of Hamlet that challenges prejudices
Author / Source : EIB Published on : News Temps de lecture : 2 min.

This Shakespearean tragedy has been revisited by Peruvian playwright Chela De Ferrari and her “Teatro La Plaza” company, made up of eight actors, all of whom have Down's syndrome. They tell us their dreams, their hopes, their struggles to be considered as people, autonomous, capable of love, as well as their claim to be different. They share their suffering and their desire to be understood. They believe that “theater is perhaps the last resort” because it...
The new Spanish law on euthanasia contested against the Constitutional Court a few days before its entry into force
Author / Source : European Institute of Bioethics Published on : News Temps de lecture : 3 min.

The law recognizes a new right, the right to euthanasia, which, according to the law, consists in the death of a person caused in a direct and intentional manner after the informed, explicit, and repeated request of that person, in a context of suffering caused by an incurable illness and which is conceived by the person as intolerable. The text of the law tries to ground this new right on other constitutional rights, such as the right to life, the right to physical integrity, the right to hum...