Charter of the EIB

Published on : Category : About IEB


The European Institute of Bioethics (IEB) (non-profit organization) is a private initiative of a group of citizens (physicians, jurists, and scientists) who are closely interested in significant advances in medicine and biology, which confer on humankind unprecedented control over the course of human life.  Aware of the promise and hope that these recent biomedical discoveries and practices bring, but also of the risk of humankind going astray, this group has set up an entity to obtain reliable information and to elicit the broadest possible reflection on the implications of these discoveries and on the stakes that they call into play.

The IEB has set itself the goal of contributing to the elaboration of bioethics based on the respect for and protection of each human being, from conception until natural death.

Exercising critical vigilance

The IEB is in favour of progress, but not of the particular "ideology of progress" that tends to be easily gratified by new accomplishments or the seductive perspectives that these offer. It exercises a critical, vigilant spirit when contemplating advances in science and technology - most particularly in the field of biomedicine - and in the legislation that accompanies them.

The IEB is independent of all parties or groups of a political or religious nature. It is non-denominational and adheres to the principle of the secular state, respectful of and attentive to religious traditions.

The IEB conducts and presents its deliberations in common sense terms, while consciously supporting its own positions in such a way as to promote well-reasoned public dialogue.

Raising the awareness of citizens and politicians

The IEB seeks to inform, enlighten and raise the awareness of the general public and political decision makers on bioethical risks and related social issues (in particular, education and family issues). It achieves these goals through the regular organisation of educational events (colloquia, seminars, conferences, debates and continuous training), publications (books, brochures, academic papers, press communiqués) and other activities (press conferences, lobbying).

Fostering collaboration

The IEB also wishes to promote exchanges and synergies among institutions, centres and individuals that share its approach to bioethical issues.

The European Institute of Bioethics was founded in Brussels in November 2001 as a non-profit organisation (A.S.B.L.).

The IEB draws on the expertise of its honorary committee and of its scientific committee, whose members come from various Belgian and foreign universities.